YOU can help instill a sense of pride in their local community by working together with KPCB to keep county roadways litter free!
The basics of the Adopt-A-Road program are:
A group adopts a minimum of a one mile stretch of both sides of a county road and agrees to pick up litter at least EIGHT times a year for a two-year period.
The group agrees to submit a Wrap-Up Report after each cleanup.
In return, Keep Polk County Beautiful and the Polk County Board of County Commissioners:
Provide equipment, trash bags, and trash pickup.
Erect recognition signs within adopted roadways to identify the group doing the litter pickup.
Provide disposal of collected roadside litter.
Adopting a road will reinforce the importance of litter control. This Litter Prevention Program targets litter and illegal dumping throughout unincorporated communities.
The benefits to this program are a litter-free, more attractive community, recognition signs for the group, and a feeling that the individuals involved are making a difference in their community.
The best part is, this program is FREE to you! Make a difference. Be the difference. Volunteer!