Keep Polk County Beautiful, Inc. can assist your club or community group in organizing a cleanup event. KPCB, Inc. will provide cleanup supplies to groups who agree to clean several blocks of right-of-way, easements or other common areas.
If this is your first time coordinating a cleanup event, not to worry. You can contact KPCB to help you with organizing your cleanup event. You can also print a volunteer sign-up sheet to help get other people involved.
This Program in partnership with Polk County Board of County Commissioners, Polk County Code Enforcement and current Waste Haulers- consists of a large scale trash pick-up throughout pre-selected communities (clean sweep) providing disposal of all items including those that are NOT generally collected with residential garbage such as remodeling & household construction debris (shingles, drywall, wood, fencing, cabinets, etc.). In addition to trash pickup, KPCB will offer a tire recycling event for select communities (standard limits will NOT apply) and provide educational material geared to educate the community on proper trash and recycling procedures. Visit our calendar of events & Facebook page for a schedule of these events.
This program will continue to provide a convenient disposal/ drop-off location as well as removing tires from roadways, ditches, vacant properties and agricultural lands. KPCB will host, facilitate and manage Free to the Public Tire Recycling Events – In addition to the pre-scheduled tire recycling events in conjunction with the Clean It Up to Green It Up (CIU2GIU) Program and the Household Hazardous Waste Partnership Events.
Residents and agricultural land owners may dispose of up to 24 tires per vehicle. Absolutely NO TIRE BUSINESSES, INDEPENDENT or COMMERCIAL TRUCKING COMPANIES or AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESSES of ANY kind will be permitted. No tractor, semi or off-road tires will be accepted. Legal hauling limits will be strictly enforced.
It is a violation of Florida Administrative Code Rules to transport more than 24 Waste Tires over public highways without a permit. Violation of this rule would constitute a 1st degree criminal misdemeanor and be punishable by a fine of not more than $10,000 and/or by 6 months in jail for further information please regarding the handling of waste tires please visit the DEP website .
A donation of your time or in-kind services will make our programs even more successful. Whether you want to help plant a garden on a spring weekend or want to assist in beautifying a neighborhood, we hope you’ll become involved. Your time and talents are always appreciated by Keep Polk County Beautiful, Inc.
To learn more about upcoming volunteer opportunities, please see the KPCB, Inc. calendar.